Welcoming 2022

A short note

Adaku Nwakanma
2 min readDec 31, 2021

If you are someone who dabbles in astrology or numerology, 2022 will likely make you peak up a little when you hear it. I think it’s the most perfect set of numbers we will see in the years for a while.

I’m excited for 2022, I won’t lie.

It’s not anything like making a lot of new year’s resolutions or any of that.

It’s excitement quite like the one that comes after putting on your big girl pants and deciding to give away clothes you no longer wear anymore.

It’s excitement for what is to come, filled with the expectation that the space you have created will fill up with even more beautiful items that you desire, that you now have space for.

Standing at the edge of the last day of the year 2021, the last year feels like five years. Even more so since I decided to visit home in Port Harcourt, where this journey, which feels like it has now properly ended, started.

It was in 2016 when I started my journey in photography and editorial design and it was soon after I decided to take up an opportunity to come into Lagos for what I had thought was a short while. It ended up being a long while. And an adventurous one at that. I keep being fascinated by the chances of meeting the people I have met who have been or are now a part of my life.

Being back in Port Harcourt feels like that journey has come full circle. And another is still about to begin.

Unlike before, this comes with calmness and assurance that everything is going to be fine. It also comes, admittedly, with a lot of soot from the ongoing environmental pollution in the state.

If there is a lesson learnt from 2021, it is this: everything does not have to be done at once. Visions are visions for a reason — they cannot materialise on the spot. I am learning to give myself leeway and tolerance and then some, whatever the case may be.

This is life, and we are living it.

Cheers to a beautiful year ahead.



Adaku Nwakanma

Digital product designer and amateur cyclist living in Abuja, Nigeria.